Precautions for Air Conditioning System Design Dynamic Balancing Valve

Ⅰ. The dynamic balancing valve can't adjust the load

Only the hydraulic balance, not the load, can be adjusted in the design of air-conditioning systems, so due to the misunderstanding of dynamic balancing valve, people very easily believe that dynamic equilibrium valve can be used to adjust the heating load, balance the air conditioning, and replace the electric two-way valve and three-way valve.

However, as the indoor load and structural load fluctuate, the water volume of the air conditioning system fluctuates as well, ensuring that the indoor temperature is maintained and savings are realized.

Dynamic balancing valves are installed in big air conditioning systems to ensure that the start and stop of each piece of equipment do not interfere with the water flow of other pieces of equipment, and the dynamic equilibrium valve balances the water force. Electric two-way valve, three-way valve throttling can adjust the number of environmental loads.

Dynamic balancing valves now have an electric self-control function that allows for dynamic balancing of the air conditioning system based on load needs, resulting in energy savings. Load adjustment and hydraulic balancing can be balanced, the flow rate can be regulated directly by a computer, and installation can be simplified, even in tiny places, by choosing a dynamic equilibrium valve with electric self-control.

Ⅱ. Do not set the dynamic balancing valve to multiple poles

It is typical to design manual adjustment valves for numerous poles when installing an air conditioner, but this practice is incorrect when installing a dynamic balancing valve. If the lower level of one or more devices is closed with an electronic valve, the upper balancing valve flow stays unaltered, which may increase the flow of the lower level of unclosed equipment, not only increasing the water flow but also increasing the use of the function.

Ⅲ. In the air conditioning design, the dynamic balancing valve should be set appropriately based on the temperature difference between winter and summer water supply

Four-pipe air conditioning system uses two balancing valves to meet the requirements of different water volume in summer and winter. If the temperature difference of cold water and heating between winter and summer is not the same, the difference in water flow is also larger, so the two-pipe water system must be in accordance with the different flow requirements in winter and summer, and the dynamic equilibrium valve is set.

There are three approaches.

1. The dynamic equilibrium valve for changing flow rate is established, and the valve can be converted when the seasons change in the winter and summer.

2. Set up two dynamic balancing valves. Valve 1 is based on winter flow, and valve 2 is based on maximum water volume difference between winter and summer. In winter, we only open valve 1, while in summer we open valve 1 and valve 2 to achieve four-pipe functions.

3. Select a dynamic balancing valve with a self-control capability and use a computer to set the flow rate.

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